A review by katleap
The Earl's Betrothal by Karen Tuft


3.5 stars

Amelia Clarke is an orphan and ladies companion to Lady Ashworth. Anthony Hargreaves, the new Earl of Halford, returns home from the war after being thought dead and to replace his dead brother as heir. Amelia and Anthony, keep finding themselves together and develop a friendship. Anthony is tasked by his father to marry quickly but finds himself at odds with what he wants and what he can have.

I found the story sweet but with drama that seemed a bit out of place. I also felt that the situation with Amelia's past was resolved all the way. I'm not sure how she ended up in England and with her parents and who was her father. So I was not all the way satisfied.

I liked the secondary characters a lot. The girl that Anthony is suppose to marry is super sweet and I quite liked her, especially because that has a tendency to be a witch. I want stories for Kit and Elizabeth and for Anthony's batman.