A review by jeremy_bearimy
The Crown by Nancy Bilyeau


Rounding down from 3.5. I'm a sucker for historical fiction and enjoyed the bit of Da Vinci Code style mystery thrown in. In this case, I found that I kept reading because I wanted to know what happened, not because I enjoyed the actual reading. Too many cliches and twists that made no sense other than to extend the plot line. (For example, the note that she received in her bed could have just said "hey, investigate X person" versus "go track down a tapestry that is far away and oh by the way there are actually two tapestries that this could refer to so good luck with that".)

This may make me a mean girl but I also didn't like Joanna. She seemed too good to be true. Her only fault appears to be that she's stubborn, which we're reminded of at least once a chapter, but even that is spun as a strength. She is clearly a woman of devout faith but the brash actions she takes throughout the story don't suggest a good fit with the life of a nun. I want to know how the love triangle resolves, but on the other hand it's confusing that a woman who swears she wants to be a nun would be in a love triangle. And then people are telling her she would make an excellent prioress? Really?

I tried tracking down a plot summary of the sequel to this book so I could know what happens without actually reading the darn thing but no luck. Oh well.