A review by justlily
The Virgin of Small Plains by Nancy Pickard


For a long time, I was pretty sure this would get four stars. The mystery was really intriguing, it had me guessing the whole time. I went from really sure I knew what happened to second guessing myself to really sure to-- On and on.

But as the story went on, it got more and more long winded for no reason. The characters really blurred together. The older generation of men, Tom, Quentin, and Nathan were all basically exactly the same man with a different name and different kids, making it nearly impossible to remember which one was which. Unfortunately that was a huge part of the story which made the mystery more confusing than interesting.

The more I think about it the more that's really my only complaint, but it's a big one. I still at the end of things have no idea which of those men is which half the time and would find myself pausing and going "Wait is he the one that--"

So. Yeah. Feel like uh...that was a thing that should have been fixed. Otherwise good book? But incredibly frustrating characters.