A review by emmavonb
The Fiends in the Furrows III: Final Harvest by Christine M. Scott, David T. Neal


'The Fiends In The Furrows III: Final Harvest" edited by David T. Neal and Christine M. Scott is the third installment of what I now consider an incredible folk horror trilogy is just that: an incredible third installment. A brand new collection of nineteen folk horror stories, expertly curated by Neal and Scott, give readers exactly what they want: classic horror themes explored via the terrifyingly real effects of nature. From misunderstood pagan rituals to the power of women through history, 'Final Harvest' is an excellent addition to the folk horror canon and a fantastic (possible) completion of the Fiends in The Furrows trilogy. With all that being said, I find it hard to properly rate a story collection. I would consider this a five star read; however I am biased, as I loved the first two collections and this is my favorite sub genre of horror. Regardleas of that, I have included my favorite stories (and the feelings I felt for a couple of them