A review by magencorrie
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey


My Thoughts:

I've read a few alien books out there and, of course, watched all kinds of series/movies about those other life forms. I honestly thought I had seen/read all the ideas out there (though a few authors are surprising me). Well, that was before I encountered The 5th Wave. Okay, it wasn't all original and mind-blowing, but there was just this element that gives the book an original feel; that made it feel fresh and different all on its own.

Okay, I’ll be honest, I did compare this book to a few other books out there; The Host being one of them. I try not to compare books because you will encounter books with similar elements to them, it’s going to happen. But I feel trying to not compare books makes it easier to see the book all on its own without other books jumping out at you and then making you judge. Now I did feel there were similar elements in The 5th Wave that was like The Host; however, I discovered that Yancey gave his book something unique. A really well-developed environment and a much darker side of human nature. I experienced how low a human can go; saw a much different world if we were ever overtaken by beings from out of this universe. It also felt more real, more personal in a way.

I would describe The 5th Wave as a book that really took me by complete surprise. It was shockingly scary, grippingly dark, and unbelievably real.

I also really enjoyed the characters, and that it changes POVs between four different characters. I did get confused at first, but it didn't take me long at all to get used to it. Then, I enjoyed all the different POVs. I was able to get not only one, put four different perspectives, four different realities. I got to see and understand how differently these characters reacted and dealt with the invasion. It made the story, to me, even more enjoyable and believable.
Each character also had their flaws along with their strengths. I really enjoyed Cassie. She was a very dynamic character. She showed me how a person alone is affected, how she dealt with everything. At times, it was very emotional and sad. But then being in her mind was a thrill, she was cocky and arrogant!! I felt that brought a lot of depth to her. I also felt that it saved her from the world she was thrown in.

The other characters, like Cassie, were enjoyable to read. And being able to get inside their heads made it that much more fun. I won’t talk about them, because I don’t want to spoil anything, but the other characters really gave the story another interesting depth to it. I was able to see how each different character would react to the things that were thrown at them. Who to trust, who to love, who they were. Trying to overcome their past, and to figure out if they had a future. I got to experience through these character’s eye’s, the effect, the desperation, the hurt and the strength they faced and felt in the situations they are in, when humanity is at its lowest, at its most scary, at its most deadly.

This world was dark. Yancey did a good job, in my opinion, of creating a world that is scary real. I felt like this would be how to world would be if alien’s took over, and they weren't here to talk to our leader. Rick also set up the events nicely, one thing lead smoothly into another. Though at times, the pace did feel a bit slow. I also enjoyed Yancey’s view, how he described the aliens. That was pretty awesome! How the aliens were taking over everything; controlling the human population and their waves of attack. The twists that Yancey throws out there took me by surprise. I couldn't really figure out what was going to happen, how the characters were going to react, or who was an alien or not.

The only complaint I had was the romance factor. The relationship that builds between Cassie and Evan felt too forced at times, and built really fast. I did enjoy it; I just felt that the author could have added just a bit more to it, to make it feel more real.

I loved The 5th Wave, and I cannot wait for the next book! I definitely recommend if you want a read that will take you on one hell of a journey into a world that is dark, scary and unbelievably real, with a side of aliens.