A review by gwendolyn_kensinger
Shark Heart: A Love Story by Emily Habeck


I imagine a lot of readers are going to put this into the weird book category, and on the surface sure, but in reality not really. In the world that this story takes place there are animal mutations and in the first part we see Lewis turn into a great white shark. I wish it was just that. I might have rated it higher. It could have easily been a short story because the 2nd and 3rd parts didn’t really add anything. Did I feel sad for Wren having to say goodbye to the man she loved? Sure, but since the story kept going and took off in different directions I didn’t get to sit in my sadness for very long. Also the story is not linear and seemed more focused on Wren than Lewis. Yes, Wren had an interesting life, but not on her own, because of the people around her. How does one woman get that unlucky? Anyways I am sure this story tried to portray some deep meaning but I didn’t get it.