A review by mbenzz
The Violets of March by Sarah Jio


I'm gonna try not to get into a big long review since there are so many others here, but while this was a book that was certainly difficult to put down, there were just too many coincidences and holes for me to truly love the story.

I took issue with many of the things that have already been mentioned here...how pretty much EVERYONE in the diary used different names later in life (who does that?), why Emily's mother was allowed to become so close to a woman (Bee) who was such a good friend of her real mother when everyone just wanted to forget her. How convenient it was that Evelyn was sick and dying right at that exact time that Emily was visiting, and how ridiculous it was that after only days on the island Emily had TWO men falling in love with her.

I liked the story in the diary, but I too found it difficult to muster up any sympathy for Esther. She made it very clear from the beginning that she never really loved Bobby...so WHY marry him? And the scene in front of the hotel, when Esther throws the ring at Elliott? Ridiculous. All he had to do was explain in one simple sentance what he was doing. If Esther wouldn't talk to him, then why didn't he explain it to her best friends, Frances, or Rose, so they could in turn tell Esther? Sure, it would have ruined the surprise, but he would have had her back. I just found it very hard to believe that this couple who supposedly loved each other SO much, split up over such a silly misunderstanding.

I could go on (like about the ending and what a let-down it was...or how in the world did they miss her rolling out of the car...or how cliche it was that Jack came crawling back), but I'll let all that go. It was quite a page-turner, but the reader is just expected to believe way too much. The double story had great potential, and the diary was something I looked forward too, but I just feel like this book was sent out to print before being edited properly. If you can suspend all believe and just take this as a simple story, then you'll love it. But if you're not one for coincidences and loopholes, this book will just annoy you.