A review by whatvickyreads
Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco


***some spoilers ahead!! You’ve been warned!

**I am undecided between 3.5 & 4 ⭐️

So I really liked how this ended, I love happy endings especially for those considered to be the “villains,” but I just had a few issues with the plot and some characters’ storyline.

At first I really liked where it was going as Vittoria being seen as the villain, I thought that was really cool, but she just started out so wicked and then all of a sudden she wasn’t after talking with Emilia. I sort of get why that happened the way it did, but she was literally so evil before they had a simple conversation, and then she was just normal again. I just think it would have been better if there was a bit more conflict between Vittoria and Emilia before they actually resolved their differences.

I also have no idea what the point of the “murder” at Greed’s House was for, I just feel like it really did not fit into this story at all. Who sent the skull with the blood rubies?! I’m still so confused; did Domenico send it? Did Vesta/Marcella send it? Or Vittoria? Either I missed that part somewhere or it is still a mystery.

I think this book and the storyline had so much potential for something really big and dramatic, but it was a bit lackluster for me. Overall though, the reading experience was incredibly enjoyable and I actually flew through this series despite some of the confusion. I would recommend it if you have the patience to wait for all your many questions to be answered!

Besides me nitpicking minor things, this is still one of my new favorite fantasy trilogies!!

P.s. the smut was incredibly well written throughout the last two books and it was very, very enjoyable to read!