A review by posies23
Shadow Prey by John Sandford


The second book in the Lucas Davenport series is a little bit of a letdown from the first book, RULES OF PREY. This is not to say it isn't a good book, because it is. Unfortunately, its just not as good as RULES OF PREY was.

Most of the blame falls on the romantic subplot, which just isn't very compelling, and relies heavily on Davenport's apparent ability to have every woman in the world fall in love with him. It's just not all that convincing, and I found it distracting.

The A-plot of the book is actually quite interesting, about a group of Native Americans who follow an elaborate revenge plot. Again, though, there were times I had to suspend just a little too much of my disbelief.

The action is quite good, and there are some genuinely suspenseful moments. I'm told these books get better as the series progresses, so I'll definitely read the next in the series eventually.