A review by the_novel_approach
Promises Part 2 by A.E. Via


I’m going to start off by saying that I love the cover for Promises: Part 2, and I am such a huge fan of A.E. Via’s work that I will read anything she puts out. As soon as I finished reading Promises: Part 1, I was eagerly awaiting the sequel for Cayson and Quick’s story. Especially since the ending promised so much more between these two characters.

Each chapter was written from either Cayson’s or Quick’s POV, which I didn’t mind because I was able to understand each of the guys’ perspectives on what was happening with them in any given situation, from chapter to chapter. The first chapter started off with Quick realizing that he’s getting up there in age, and he’s slightly envious of his friend Duke’s sudden happiness since falling for his (Quick’s) son, Vaughan. Quick is a bit lonely and he realizes that he needs to do something about it.

Now, in chapter two Cayson is realizing that his closeted friend-with-benefits, Joe, is no longer benefitting him, and he’s swearing not to allow himself to be mistreated by other men. By chapter three, the sparks between Quick and Cayson start to fly, with some light comical misunderstandings. The good doctor is trying his best to be professional, but Quick is proving to be a bit of a tease! Not to mention that in the last book, when Cayson tried to flirt, he was soundly rejected by Quick to the point of downright rudeness, and he’s wondering what the heck kind of game Quick is playing with him. Well, it turns out that Quick has been interested in men in the past but has never acted on it, and with the help of Duke and Vaughan, he sets out to woo the good doctor.

I really enjoyed this part of the story because I just love the dance of romance between two MCs as they get to know each other. Especially when they end up in the bathtub together. ~eyebrows waggling~


There were a couple of things that bothered me as I was reading Promises: Part 2. One involved some public bullying by Quick and Duke towards Joe, the ex, when it seemed that he was going to let Cayson go without a fight. I think it caused the situation that then occurred throughout the story, and I was glad that Cayson wanted nothing to do with that type of bullying for any reason, good or bad. And, in a weird way, I felt kind of bad for Joe, that his fear of being outed and yet wanting some kind of companionship, whether healthy or not, made him go a little over the top with craziness.

And the second—this one really bothered me the most—was when Quick lost his temper over something that happened to Cayson, and he put his hand to Cayson’s throat and squeezed hard enough to leave a mark. I grew up in DV situations and reading this actually caused me to have a negative reaction to it. It kind of upset me even though Quick was ashamed of himself afterwards, and Cayson was secretly turned on by it. But it’s why I’m not a big fan of BDSM novels.

All in all, there is one thing about A.E. Via’s stories—she does manage to get me involved in them emotionally, whether I like it or not. And now, Brian: I would love to find out more about him and what cause his muteness.

Reviewed by Kim for The Novel Approach Reviews