A review by serenology
Blood of the Lotus by Sade Louise


Thank you to the author for providing me an eArc in exchange for an honest review.

If you loved the world of the Shadowhunters series, you will find yourself at home with Blood of the Lotus. Angels, demons, family secrets–sounds familiar doesn’t it?

The main character Nova comes from a prestigious demon hunter family. While she has trained the majority of her life to follow in that legacy, her father keeps her locked away from the world. But when an offer to learn the truth comes from a demon, she risks everything to find the answers she desperately seeks.

Unfortunately, I found the first 30% of the book to be slow. The first chapter starts right with the action but then goes back two weeks to provide exposition, which I felt to be unnecessary and a bit of a slog as it takes the first third of the book to get back to that point in time.

However, once the book caught up with itself, I really began to enjoy the story. More mysteries, secrets, magic, romance and deals with demons. The story began to give off Supernatural x The Mortal Instruments vibes with tropes reminiscent of the early 2000s.

The moment that it truly kicked off, it hit the acceleration full blast. To that end, it started slow and then went far too fast in pacing. The last two-thirds of the book featured a lot of important characters and world-building, but gave you no time to digest or allow the characters you are supposed to care about to develop.

Nova is constantly promised that “the right time hasn’t come yet” in order to not give way the plot twist and the time skips prevent emotional attachment to the other characters that have a larger role to play, particularly the love interest (of which I personally found unappealing because of the incorporated trope).

It’s a fun story that sets up a lot of events for the eventual sequel, but Blood of the Lotus felt like too much exposition for the rest of the series, almost like one big prologue to the main event.