A review by onecheesetoasty
The Twilight Saga Complete Collection by Stephenie Meyer


What can I say? Middle school me fell in love with these books (for obvious reasons). Stephanie Meyer wrote what every 13 year old girl wanted to read, and to be honest, it (and Disney) is the reason most of us have a messed up view of what healthy relationships look like. Everyone wants to be loved the way Edward loves Bella (and the way Jacob loves Renesmee), but as far as goals to strive towards, it's not this. If your entire world revolves around one person, please pick up a hobby and call your family.

Now for the actual storyline: looking past my distaste for the vampire genre in general, this saga is very easy to read. Easy as in, it is written at the grade level of a YA novel, but seems to have content for adults; I find it hard to get around this disparity. Please, please someone give Meyer a thesaurus. That being said, I would be lying if I said I didn't fall into this series. The books are much better than the movies (especially with character development and personalities). I found myself rolling my eyes at 30% of the dialogue, and yet I was rooting for the Cullen family, heartbroken for Jacob Black, and celebrating Bella's transformation.

Overall, middle school me loved it, and adult me thinks it was just fine. This is a great series to distract you from the rest of your world, as the storylines and conversations are so ridiculous that there's no way your life can compare to the room temperature pizza this series is. I recently re-read the first book (erm, for... business.. business reasons) and I'm breaking my personal rule of having to finish a series when I start it. I don't need that much tepid pizza.