A review by mehsi
Prancer the Demon Chihuahua: Fashionista, Icon, and Heckin' Good Boofer by Pam Pho, Cloris Chou


I received this book from Netgalley/publisher in exchange of an honest review.

I was instantly drawn in by the title. I am sorry, but demon chihuahua? Sign me up! I needed to know more about this cute puppers!

And this was a very fun book told from the POV of the dog, Prancer. We read about his likes (bacon/egg/cheese sandwiches) and dislikes (cats, 100% cats), we read about plans against his victim, um new owner Ariel, we get fun quizzes and fun jokes. There are tons and tons of adorable illustrations and a handful of photographs. I laughed, I giggled, and I liked that we also got some personal stories about things that happened. Since I don’t know Prancer, that was a fun touch.

However, I would have liked just a bit more about Prancer. I still don’t fully get why he is famous or why he is a demon. Sure, he does some bad things, but to call him a demon? I just didn’t see it. I think it would have helped if the book was a mix. Part told by Prancer and then part by the owners/the shelter. Now it just felt very one-sided. We are just to believe he is a demon.

And I would also have liked some more photographs. The illustrations were supercute and I liked them, but photographs would have completed it for me. Especially since we read that Prancer loves modelling. Show me some of those cute outfits! Show me the prancing! Go!

SO yeah, good things, and some things that I feel could be improved. I did enjoy the book but I sadly just cannot read it very high because it felt like you would really need to know about Prancer + all points mentioned above.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/