A review by krisrid
Red by Kate SeRine


I really enjoyed this. Loved the combining of fairy-tale characters with "real life", the story was pretty clever, and I really loved that all the female characters are strong and independent.

I generally am willing to give a fairy-tale retelling a shot, and this didn't let me down. I thought the characters were creative, and the addition of some literary characters - like Darcy and Elizabeth, and Dracula - was an extra-interesting twist. I also liked how the author made the fairy-tale and literary characters actual people with real personalities and issues and quirks, rather than being one-dimensional.

The plot was also pretty good. There's action and suspense, drama and danger. The pacing was solid and kept me reading well past where I intended at each sitting. I really wanted to know what was going to happen next.

Some of the other reviews I read took issue with so many men having pasts with Red, but for me, that made sense in the backstory provided for Red, and the context of the larger plot it was believable, so that didn't bother me. I did like that Red was a kick-ass heroine, and although she was painfully independent and stubborn, she has growth and development as the story progressed, which not only made sense based on what she deals with, but makes her more relatable as things resolve. Without giving spoilers, I was happy with where Red ends up, and where she appears to be going.

This is a fun, fast, easy read that would be good for paranormal fans, fans of fairy-tale retellings, and people who like action and suspense with strong female characters. I will definitely check out other books in this series.