A review by tomasthanes
The Afterlife by Ksenia Anske


There are so many things to like about this third book, [b:The Afterlife|18361644|The Afterlife (Siren Suicides #3)|Ksenia Anske|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1377016065s/18361644.jpg|25962596], in the Siren Suicides trilogy.

More is revealed about how the characters are tied to each other through choices and actions in the past, tied not by love but by guilt, manipulation, and consequences.

More pleasant geography in/around the Seattle area (on the land and water): the Fremont Troll, Mount Rainier and the Cascades. The mention of Rainier was pleasant as it evoked memories of my uncle, one of the first Army Rangers in WWII who lived in Seattle and had climbed the mountain many times.

Interesting conveyances in this book: the trawler from the second book, a self-propelled life boat, and a funereal yacht.

There was so much energy (emotion) moving the story from page to page (and this is without the benefit of knowing that "every element must turn" (from the author's recent blog post).

Oh, and in good George R.R. Martin style,
Spoilershe began to kill off all of the main characters including Ailen's dad and Canosa until it's revealed that it's all a dream from a bad marijuana trip in the tub on the morning of Ailen's 16th birthday

This book (Kindle edition) had more typos (5) than the previous books. I'll report these to the author.
