A review by lattelibrarian
Food Justice by Anupama Joshi, Robert Gottlieb


What an interesting read!  Gleaning information from Holyoke, MA and New Orleans, LA, as well as various other activist communities from around the United States, Gottlieb and Joshi analyze just what food justice is and how activists align their actions with a vision in which the structure of food is reworked into something more sustainable and local.  

I found that their analyses were well-thought out and cited, and I learned so much that I'd just never even thought of before, such as how neoliberal globalization have affected the ways that our food is grown, our farmers, and the manner of transporting and accessing such foodstuffs.  

With this addition of knowledge under our belts, and with a new means of analyzing our food framework, hopefully we can work towards making such dreams and theories of academia into a reality.  Only time and action will tell!

Review cross-listed here!