A review by wyrmbergsabrina
Wonder Woman, Vol. 5: Rise of the Olympian by Gail Simone, Grant Morrison, Geoff Johns, Matt Ryan, Aaron Lopresti


Well, that was dark.
There is a problem with borrowing books from the library; you don't always get the right books, in the right order in a series. Here is another example of that. Volume five in what seems like a huge, over arching storyline, with characters, choices, history and plot points that I have missed by jumping in here.
Wonder Woman has a seriously tough time, facing the impossible task and several plot lines to solve at the same time. It gets a bit messy in the later half, and just why we have to have so many previous characters dragged into the main story I'm not sure if that makes sense, but to see Diana brought so low is something I've not seen before.
This one certainly ends on a huge turning point, and can things ever go back to how they were before? I've no idea. One thing's clear; the Greek Gods are selfish pigs who really deserve a smack in the face. So much blood and death for the claims of one.
The artwork is pretty cool; there are some great page spreads in here, and the violence is fairly graphic. I actual felt pain at some panels. Characters retain their features across chapters and I felt that the females were well drawn; no obvious sexism on display here.
I might have to track down the rest of the series. Turns out some of these writers have done one of my favourite reboots of Wonder Woman.