A review by yourfavavery
Hitler's First Hundred Days: When Germans Embraced the Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche


So my wonderful younger brother gifted me this book for Christmas last year, and I found it very interesting (not enjoyable, though). The parallels between Germany in the first 100 days of the Third Reich and the United States in late 2020 are disturbing. The othering of certain populations, the idea that a previous time was "better for the morale of the nation" (just not everyone in the nation, though), and the denouncement of political opposition as "divisive and bad for our nation" all come to mind.

Overall, though, it made me feel more positive than I thought in the end. There's a major reason we aren't in the same circumstances here (namely that we have a stronger democracy vs. the Weimar Republic) and I can't see that changing anytime soon.

So I would say don't expect any big revelations coming out of this. Also as a word of warning, this book in't for beginners, so you will need a basic understanding of the politics of Germany at this time. If you are interested in this part of history, pick up a copy.