A review by ygraines
The New Oxford Book of Sixteenth-Century Verse by Emrys Jones


renaissance poetry is a craft, an art of creating poised stanzas of incorruptible metrical balance and virtuosic rhetorical brilliance, a generative process in constant communication with its predecessors; from a post-wordsworth world of poetry as self-expression, it is difficult not to feel somehow distanced from renaissance poets, who pride themselves on artifice rather than on authenticity.

my supervisor used a comparison that i loved, talking about the miniature portraits created during the renaissance as a visual sonnet, attempting to contain the entirety of an experience, a subject, a sensation into little space. the process of painting begins with the skin-tone wash, the foundation upon which the painter builds jewel-bright ornamentation and detail; so too the sonnet takes a subject, most often a woman, as an occasion for ornamentation. both are about display, self-consciously presenting their finery to the world behind which their subjects are obscured and distanced.