A review by act4life25
Camp Sylvania by Julie Murphy


Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Children’s Books for an advanced digital copy.

I can’t wait to add this book to my classroom library for my students to read!

I think was really works with this novel is that it’s not written in a “juvenile” way. Yes, this is a middle grade book, but it isn’t written in a way that feels “dumbed down” for kids. I often find myself rolling my eyes and some ways that middle grade stories are worded and that’s not the case with this novel.

I have read basically every Julie Murphy book and enjoyed all of them. This one was no exception. I characters feel so lifelike and I love the body positivity that she includes. It’s a great way to open up conversations about body positivity…while also talking about vampires and ghosts.

I’m a sucker (pun intended) for summer camp books, and I think this would be a great one to read while camping on the lake. I also love that this story takes place on Lake of the Ozarks, since I don’t live too far off. Might need to plan a trip there once the book is released. Hoping and praying for a sequel!