A review by librarydoc
The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee


Book Talk
Imagine what it would be like to live on the 1000th floor of a 2-mile high tower in the middle of New York City. Avery and Atlas Fuller don't have to imagine it, they live it. They and their friends live a magical life, full of money, friends, shopping, and drugs. Everything they could possibly want. But the more you have, the more you have to lose...

My Thoughts
I really enjoyed this book for myself. It has enough mystery and glamour that it kept me turning pages. It is supposed to be futuristic, but I didn't feel like that overwhelmed the book at all. There were hints of future life, such as the drugs the kids took and the contact lenses they wore that doubled as mobile devices. But that really didn't dictate the story. This one is really about relationships and status. It looks at the way money can impact friendships, and that having everything you could possibly want doesn't mean you are happy.

My Recommendation
4/5 stars
Grades 10+ (sexual situations, drugs, language)
*as much as I enjoyed this book for myself, it won't be going on my MS library shelf.*