A review by skyring
Sabine's Notebook: In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Continues by Nick Bantock


I received a sparkling surprise the other day. A package from Discoverylover! Inside, two books. Right. I need more books. My bookshelves groan under the double-banked load and Mount Toberead towers over my bedside table.

Two very odd books, actually. Fairly slender, they purported to be reproductions of an ongoing correspondence between Griffin, a London artist, and Sabine, a stamp designer on a remote Pacific island nation.

Griffin and Sabine are linked in a very strange and intriguing fashion and the first book is largely concerned with uncovering and exploring this mystery, as well as revealing the two characters, their histories and lives.

In the second book (Sabine’s Notebook), the roles are reversed, with Sabine living in Griffin’s London flat, and Griffin travelling to Sabine’s island chain.

In the third book, who knows what happens? Maybe the mysteries are resolved, maybe they deepen. In fact, there is a second trilogy along the same lines, so obviously there is more to the tale than we discover in the first two books.

More here, with pictures and video: http://helloitsme.us/like/book/griffin-sabine