A review by lauras_books
The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan


Little Pilgrim’s Progress by Helen Taylor was one of my most-beloved books as a child. It took me well over a year to make it through the "grown up" version, but I’m glad I’ve finally finished.

This book is tough. If you don’t like older books, get the updated modern English version. I enjoy reading classics and still found the language difficult to follow (not as tough as Beowulf but that's not saying much). TPP is poetic and beautifully written—all accolades given are well-deserved. I loved this book from a literary analysis perspective. But without diving into all of the nerdy reasons TPP is a worthwhile read, at face value, the lack of subtlety is offputting. In our modern society, this reads like a very, very challenging children's fable. I hate to admit I much preferred Little Pilgrim's Progress.