A review by miasutton55
You're the Most Beautiful Thing That Happened by Arisa White


This book really struck me with its beauty and its fearlessness. White captures love, sensuality, identity, grief, fear, and gratitude in this powerful collection of poems. I was moved by her imagery, by her appreciation of the female form, by her word choice, by her rhythm.

2 particular passages from the collection stood out to me:

From "Warm Water":
I am at your doorstep. Each tear opens us up to our promise—
bring the wake of your hand to my cheek. What I need today is
your sunshine that pulls me from earth.

From "Kokobar":
I was teenaged, searching for a face
to reflect my own who would call me beautiful
enough to make me think it’s possible she’s not lying.

I definitely recommend reading this book; it's one of my favorites of the year.