A review by thenia
Scandalous by Karen Robards


The story of the eldest of the three Banning sisters, Gabriella, who comes up with a desperate scheme to save her sisters from a life of being penniless and with no prospects or hope for better lives.

She will pretend that she doesn't know that their half-brother, who has given them permission to launch Claire, the second sister's season, has died and go to London in hopes of finding Claire a husband. To her surprise and disbelief, on their arrival to their family town house, they find it occupied by someone who claims to be their brother.

Determined to uncover the truth, she confronts him and reveals her own scheme in the process.

Nick, who is pretending to be their brother to draw out the villain who had him killed, finds her troublesome yet fascinating, and the two keep antagonizing each other while sparks fly around them.

Their getting together seems unlikely, but
Spoilerafter he is murdered in front of her, Nick comes back from his staged death to a grieving Gabriella not as her brother anymore but as himself and
their happily ever after is finally within reach.

An enjoyable first book in the series that continues with [b:Irresistible|629610|Irresistible (Banning Sisters trilogy, #2)|Karen Robards|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1325301631s/629610.jpg|615942] and Claire's story next.