A review by thebooksatchel
Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein

More than anything else, this book made me think about how easily we believe things in this digital day and age. How easy to not read/see the whole picture before a like/comment/share until the truth itself is blurred. Thoughtful passages on the digital life, the ease of access to information (which could be tweaked intentionally or unintentionally), a doppelganger situation. In this book Klein analyzes how people mixed her up with another writer and the impact of Wolf's antivax/conspiracy theories had on her own life. Naomi and other Naomi. In this case only the names are similar, but their identities were mixed up by the audience. Ultimately it made me think how easy it is for us to mix up things, facts, people in this fast paced world; and are we ready for this?