A review by manxomemia
Batman: The Long Halloween #1 by Jeph Loeb


I quite enjoyed this one, though it was by no means perfect. The odd assortment of villains with relatively minor roles (okay seriously, why does the Riddler even exist?) was fun but felt unnecessary, and the Godfather homage was kind of quirky but also seemed to have no real point. I had mixed feelings about the other characters:
- Aside from the "catfight" with Poison Ivy that looked like it was more about jealousy than saving Batman's life, Catwoman filled that "neither good nor evil" role pretty well
- Jim Gordon was Jim Gordon
- Alfred was Alfred
- Barbara and little James did their job of reminding us of the simple life the Commissioner leads at home
- Harvey Dent's character progression didn't really feel natural, and he definitely could have used so more complexity in his character for him to resolve that arc well
- Carla and Sofia were mildly interesting and were probably the most realistic and layered members of the Falcone family.

Now let's just talk about the ending for a moment. Without giving too much away, it was convoluted, and I'm not sure Loeb managed to pull it off. Sure it seemed cool for a moment, but then I was left thinking: "Really? Do I really believe this?". I'm not sure. I think it's time to pick up Dark Victory and see what I think.