A review by jfaberrit
The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss


I liked this book, but not quite as much as the first one (and for what it's worth, I even really liked The Slow Regard of Silent Things). The story moves along just fine at the beginning, spanning the time at the University through Kvothe's trip to the trip to Severen, but beginning with the Fae and continuing on into Ademre, the narrative momentum really drags. The descriptions are great, mind you, and there is quite the fantastic world being constructed, but in some sense you need to write a Lord of the Rings before you are entitled to write the Silmarillion. It's entirely possible the payoff will be worth it in the end, since a lot seems to be slated for book three, especially the killing of a king who has yet to appear in the books, but the story as of now is a bit out of balance for all of its technical prowess.