A review by caseroo7
Something Precious by M. Clarke


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Something Precious is the sequel to Something Amazing by M. Clarke. This series is a spin-off from her Something Great series and while you do not need to have read the Something Great series to enjoy Something Precious, you do need to have read Something Amazing as it picks up after that book and follows the same characters. I was so excited when I found out that Jax, Jace and Rachel were getting another book! These are some of my favorite characters and I just loved them in SA. This one was tough at times to get through and I hated all the rough times that they had to experience. But I absolutely adore these characters and I was so glad to get more of them that it made every bit of struggle worth it!

Jax and Rachel are engaged and preparing for their upcoming wedding. Everything is going great and they love being a family. But when Jax's ex Chloe shows back up wanting to spend more time with her son Jace, old issues start to reappear. Not only does Chloe want to be around Jace, but she wants her family back, Jax included. To make matters worse, Rachel's high school crush shows up as well wanting a chance that he never took with Rachel back when they were kids. When Chloe proclaims to be pregnant with Jax's baby, Rachel is left wondering if their relationship is strong enough to endure the constant obstacles thrown in their way.

I love these characters so much. Jax and Rachel are absolutely perfect together, and their connection was as strong as ever here. Unfortunately there were so many outside forces trying to mess with their relationship and that made each of them question each other at times. While their bond had never gone away, I really hated seeing them begin to wonder about what the other was thinking or feeling. While they might have known deep down that they were solid, it is hard to dig deep when everything in front of you says something different. The one thing that never changed though was the love they had for each other and their smoking hot chemistry.

Overall, this book had a ton of drama and there was a lot going on. I will admit that it was very frustrating at times and I seriously hate Chloe. I have to say though that I wasn't the happiest with Jax here either. While I understood what he was ultimately thinking and trying to do, I felt like he should have known better. The fact that he let things get as out of control as he did and let it go on for as long as it did was pretty troubling to me. It seemed like he wasn't really thinking about Rachel's feelings or well being at times and that wasn't okay with me. I know he apologized and she forgave him pretty easily, but I didn't like that it kept happening and that she let it go as easily as she did. I did love Jax, Jace, and Rachel as a family though and it was so good to see the love that they shared. These three were absolutely adorable together and I couldn't get enough of them. I am really excited to know that M. Clarke is planning to write a few more spin-offs about Jax's friends. M. Clarke is a great writer and her stories are always filled with amazing characters that you can't help but fall in love with. I highly recommend her books if you haven't read them before and if you are a fan of Something Amazing or the Something Great series, Something Precious is a must read!

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**