A review by lizzycatslibrary
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson


I really didn't like this book.

I wanted to like it. I thought I would like it. I was intrigued... until I actually started to read it.

The whole book seemed overly complicated and random. I felt like the main part of the book that is supposed to be the flesh of it is mashed into about 20% of the entire thing. Despite Lisbeth being the root of the title and a "main" character... I feel I hardly even know her. I feel there are many little plot lines and not one fully fleshed out one where so I started reading and then got lost as to what I was supposed to be paying attention to. There were many characters and I will say I had loads of trouble keeping them straight... because I felt none of them had a real depth to them so they were all just boring facades. Overall... just not impressed... and I so wanted to be!

Did anyone else notice the weird product placement in the entire book? Overemphasized details that no one actually cares about?

I am sad to say that this first one left me with no desire to continue on with the series. Sheer curiosity made me check out the overview for the next book... and that is the only thing that may cause me to read it in the future. It looks like maybe I will actually get an idea of what Lisbeth is all about in this one... so maybe someday when this disappointing read has faded far into the recesses of my mind... I will tackle The Girl Who Played with Fire. Until then... I'm stuffing this one to the bottom of my electronic kindle bookshelf.