A review by audiobookingwithleah
The Truth About Him by M. O'Keefe


This is a review for Everything I Left Unsaid and The Truth About Him.

"That was my brave, I realized. Risking everything so I could feel something again."

Book Title: Everything I Left Unsaid & The Truth About Him
Author: Molly O'Keefe
Series: Everything I Left Unsaid #1 & The Truth About Him #2
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Random House Publishing
Source: EILU-Kindle e-book (Library) TTAH-Netgalley Arc

⌘ARC of The Truth About Him graciously provided via NETGALLEY in exchange for an honest review! ⌘

Why I picked that quote: I think it embodies how Annie ended up in the backwoods of NC. Running from her abusive husband and trying to find a reason to love life.

Overall Rating: 4.8/5 Stars

✧Breakdown of Rating✧

Plot: 4.8/5 I was pulled in right from the beginning…the story unfolds excellently. This two book collection has a lot of elements to it, with a little of this, and a little of that, and a whole lot of sex thrown in.

Characters: 5/5 Endearingly damaged...and I was totally invested in their story.

The Feels: 5/5

Theme: 5/5

Flow: 5/5

Originality: 4/5 This premise is definitely been done before, just not quite like this.

Book Cover: 3/5 If you’re going to put people on the cover, you should at least pick ones that resemble your characters descriptions.

Sex Factor: Well written and very sexually explicit, you have to be able to get in touch with your naughty side.

Ending: 4.5/5 For EILU--Intense, I’m surprised I didn’t see it coming. For TTAH—MC books are not my thing. I'm glad it wasn't all about that. Cliffhanger: For EILU--Epic cliffy. Seriously, your killing me with that ending. Good thing I had the second book ready to go. For TTAH—No Cliffhanger...with an awesome epilogue.

Will I read more from this Author? For sure…

My Additional Thoughts:

Oh my gosh, this is so naughty, but I liked it.

My only qualm…breaking this couples story into two books, it should have been one complete book. This is why I’m reviewing the two books as one. Although, part of the reason I’m doing that is because I’m really far behind on my reviews.