A review by choirlady76
A Most Unlikely Duke by Sophie Barnes


Wow, what can I possibly say about this amazing book! It is absolutely one of the most tantalizing and suck-you-in-deep reads of the summer! A high 5 stars for Sophie Barnes A Most Unlikely Duke!

We start off with Raphe in a boxing match where he wins the match with flying colors. Later, he's promised his coach that he will take on a very strong opponent and match coming up and that he'll win! He heads home, where he's greeted by one of his sisters, the other sister is in bed. He eats a bland bowl of soup and discusses the day's events with his sister. They live in extreme poverty and in dire straights, that is until she hands him a letter. He's been informed that he is the heir to the Huntley Dukedom; therefore, he's the new Duke of Huntley. At first, he wants to turn it down, but when he reflects back on his deceased sister's death and how much he wants to save his remaining two living sisters, he decides to head to London and take on his duties as the New Duke of Huntley.

Whilst moving into their new home, Raphe and his sisters are met by a very arrogant man in the street. It appears that his carriage has been blocked by Raphe's and a young woman, Lady Gabriella is with him and tries to ease things over. She and her betrothed mistake Raphe for being a servant. However, it is the next day that Gabriella, her mother and her aunt learn that Raphe is, in fact, the Duke of Huntley. Raphe and his sisters have some very poor manners and their speech is very common and Gabriella takes a liking to them and knowing how harsh the ton can be and also based on her own experiences of being picked on and outcast. she decided to secretly tutor his sisters and soon she also begins tutoring him.

Gabriella's fiance's family invites the Duke of Huntley to their home for a party and this doesn't give her much time to school him, so she desperately tries her best to help him. However, his stubbornness gets in the way. At the party, he's often put down and belittled even by her own father, which infuriates her. She takes it under her care even more to help Raphe and his sisters. As time goes on, Raphe and Gabriella begin to take a liking for one another. However, there's just one problem, she's promised to another. Will Gabriella break off her engagement and open her heart to Raphe, despite his common ways? Will Raphe open his heart to marrying and give into the love brewing inside for the beautiful Gabriella?

Absolutely wonderful read, I couldn't put this book down, it drew me in right from the first sentence! Barnes sure knows how to weave a tale and what a ride readers' will take. The plot is very thick and filled with fiery passion between the H and h. A lot of tension and conflict throughout that makes the reader keep turning the pages! You will not be displeased by A Most Unlikely Duke, I highly recommend this book!