A review by bookapotamus
The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves


This is most intense emotional roller coaster I have ever rode on, and I never ever want to get off. I laughed, I cried, I was thoroughly confused, and shamefully jealous, and angry and disgusted, and fearful and surprised... Did I miss anything? I'm sure I did... just add them to the list because if there is an emotion to be had, this book will bring it out of you. And in the most intense ways you can imagine. They all connect and mesh together into one big hug. This book IS a really big hug and man, did I hug back!

Annika (rhymes with Monica) is a bit socially awkward. OK, well, maybe more than a bit. She's anxious, doesn't like large crowds or noises, has trouble interacting with other people and gets confused really easily. But she's honest, she's adorable and lovable, and the most wonderful sort of quirky you could imagine.

Chess helps her get her mind off of things, makes her feel comfortable. The quiet solitude of the game was how she met Jonathan Hoffman. They seem to fit together like two puzzle pieces - they need each other. They complete each other and eventually fall in love. But something tore them apart, and it's slowly revealed after they bump into each other years later, and the possibility to rekindle the love that they shared in the past is there. But whatever happened, needs to be talked about, before they can ever move on and get a second chance at love.

I adored every single second about this story. There were times my heart was bursting with emotion for Annika and the struggles she faces in her day to day life. I loved Jonathan, and the two together was such a beautiful union, you find your self borderline jealous of the love and connection they share. And while there were parts that dredged up awful memories of a significant historical event, man, did the tears flow, but I devoured every word.

I haven't been this touched by a book in a long time. This one will stay with me - and will most likely be one I re-read over and over again. I fell in love with every. single. character. A beautiful love story!