A review by narisawahlang
I am Big. So What!? by Shuchi Singh Kalra


So this is the second book by Shuchi Singh Kalra that I've read, the previous being A Cage Of Desires. To be honest, I enjoyed reading this better than the latter because it was witty, fun, humourous and it's based on a subject that most of us can relate to. What I also liked about it was the fact that it does not depend on sex for it to sell.

I Am Big So What? Is a book centred around a free lance graphic designer named Roli. She's an obese person and has been told time and again that being fat is uncool and she should lose the weight because no one would want to be with someone so large. That's something I know for a fact that many of us Indian woman can relate to. I liked how she battles with all her insecurities, the toxic people in her life and eventually emerges on top.

What I didn't really like though was the introduction of her ex boyfriend Ronit in the last four to five chapters of the story. I didn't see any point in that. And the part when Roli finally sits down with her 'to be mother in law,' that was just screaming awkward! It felt very unnatural to me for some strange reason. The ending was sweet but a little too cheesy for my taste.

All in all, I'd say this book was a good read. If you love reading light, humorous books to lighten up your mood then I recommend you to read it. My rating for this is a 3. 5 out of 5.