A review by ominousspectre
Reprieve by James Han Mattson


Huh...this is one of those where I have no idea how I feel.

This was well written, if a bit heavy handed at times (
the confrontation with Jaidee and Bryan's friends especially felt a bit buzzwordy.

I think where this was a question mark for me is that it's completely misrepresented in its marketing. This isn't a horror novel, it's a literary, character driven thriller. Not a bad thing, but very different expectations. Social horror requires certain aspects that this doesn't have. The full contact haunted house is barely a part of the story, to the point where it felt as though you could sub any situation in and still get the point across. Honestly, seeing the description and date of publishing made me immediately think of McKamey Manor, so I was expecting a bit more shade toward that shit show.

Anyways, there were parts that were very poignant. Boonsri's scenes especially hit an emotional place for me, as well as Kendra's in different ways. Jaidee and Leonard's descent into
white supremacy
was well written enough that it made me feel really angry and exhausted. Which I think is what the author was going for, mutual feelings of anger and exhaustion. 

Did I have a good time though? :/

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