A review by ijustkindalikebooks
Crown Noble by Bianca Phipps


Crown Noble, is the debut by Bianca Phipps, navigating the crossroads of familial ties and forgiveness. Phipps in her collection ruminates on the ways we are shaped as humans.

What I respect so much about this collection is the raw honesty of the words displayed in these poems. Lines throughout jump out and capture you as you delve deeper into these poems. Poems such as ‘Stay With Me’ in the collection run like the author is emptying her thoughts on to paper, and these thoughts spill out some wonderful lines such as ‘I spilt sorry like an accident’ - such a simple line but just leaps out in the text.

Throughout this book there are long form poems, and these are I feel where the collection really excels. ‘Stay With Me’, ‘When The Boy Says He Loves My Body’ and ‘Almosts’ are perfect examples of this as the writer indulges us in poetry that has incredible impact. I won’t lie after reading ‘Almosts’ I was in tears, capturing the grief and loss of losing someone in a way that is done so heartbreakingly.

Smaller gems include, ‘Stick’, Pro-Choice’ and ‘Another Note About My Father’ which are short but hit you in a way that just stays with you, that honesty seeping into the pages once again and striking you anew. Phipps here debuts a collection that leaves you feeling everything she feels and it’s not easy but it is incredibly crafted.

(I received an ARC from Netgalley for honest review).