A review by sjj169
Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross


The second in the Beau Rivage stories is Liv's Snow White curse. The first book was Kill Me Softly and this book is probably easier to follow if you have read it. You get more of the why the curses exist if you've read the first one.

Liv aka Snow White is a spoiled little brat. She is so afraid of her curse that she treats her boyfriend (who has been her friend since a young age) like dog ca-ca. She wants him..she doesn't want him...she flirts with other guys to show him she doesn't want him. GAG!

She keeps thinking about how he is to kill her and her savior prince will come.

She got on my frigging nerves.
Her evil stepmother Regina. (Biggest stupid ass mistake giving her the same name as the OUAT character) has decided that Liv needs to die in order for herself to live.

*The one I fangirl over is much, much cooler*
So little stupid Liv gets an invitation to the Underworld where she meets her happily ever after prince. Um yeah, that's how it never works out.
The story does have several other characters involved and it is very readable..and for some reason I sorta like these books. I'll read the next in the series. I'm hoping it's Beauty and the Beast just because the Beast guy is one of the few with any sense..or Jack the Giant slayer (yeah baby)
If you enjoy fairy tale re-tellings you might like these books. Or you might not. I could just be drunk.
You might just want to read them to figure how this guy plays in...

I received an arc copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.