A review by nannyf
Dreaming of Tuscany by T.A. Williams


As a fan of this author, I always go into his books with a smile in my face which remains for most of the story. This one was no different, although it starts off a little differently to previous stories.

The main character in this book, Bee, finds herself in hospital, unable to remember what has led to her being there. In an attempt to recuperate, she ends up in a gorgeous villa in Tuscany, with an actress as her companion.

As I have come to expect, the author has added a dog as one of the main characters. Romeo is a friendly and boisterous animal who very quickly befriends Bee and makes her journey back to full health that little bit easier.

Anyone who reads this may spot mention of a Scottish nanny, called Fiona, in the epilogue. That character may (it is) be based on me, something I was surprised to see. Many thanks to the author for including me in his story.

Thanks also to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy.