A review by coralinejones
You Sound Like a White Girl: The Case for Rejecting Assimilation by Julissa Arce


This was okay. 

Very informative, but the information wasn't concise. After a while, the points being made were extremely repetitive and dragged on a bit, kind of like a college lecture that isn't that engaging.

To be honest, I was expecting this book to focus very heavily on how white people view the language that people of color use, and the accents we may have depending on where we are from. I thought this would discuss how we often have to assimilate ourselves to whiteness in order to appear "smart", especially in corporate America. I was expecting more conversations on how POC may appear whitewashed in order to fit in with their white peers. I mean given the title, I can only assume as much.

While these topics were briefly touched on here and there, the book as a whole goes very in depth about the racism and prejudice against Latinx people and is told through personal experiences of the author.

As a black person, a lot of her points I already knew, experienced myself, or saw experienced around me. So, I didn't think everything written was new information or information I personally needed drilled into me.

Those critiques don't make this book bad in any way. I do think there's merit here and it is worth reading. There is a lot to learn and there is new information sewn between the chapters. There are other reviews that critique this book in a way I simply can't, because I don't have all the facts to. Those are also worth reading; either before or after!