A review by bluebeereads
You Can Go Your Own Way by Eric Smith


Listen, if you're going to give a book the title of a Fleedwood Mac song, I'm going to be interested no matter what it's about. But the fact that it's a book in my favorite genre is definitely a bonus. I'm ashamed to admit this is my first Eric Smith book, but boy am I glad I read it. You Can Go Your Own Way is a heartwarming, funny and amazing book and definitely one of my favorites of the year so far.

I loved everything about this book. The setting of Philly - which is as much of a character than any of the people in the book - the characters, the story. It just tugged at my heartstrings at all the right times while also making me laugh out loud plenty of times. The way the story is told, and how social media is used, hooked me right from the start. I read this book pretty much in one go because I just couldn't stop reading.

Adam, one of our main characters, was really my favorite. He's still so deeply in his grief after losing his dad and I related so much to him and his inability to let go of things. Especially his father's arcade. He's such a sweet guy and I honestly just wanted to wrap him in blankets and reassure him everything would be okay.

There's also Whitney, who I needed to warm up to a little bit? But I love her nonetheless. She's caring and devoted and passionate and it was really really nice to see her find herself in this book. Her love for plants is one I, for one, cannot relate to because I am one of those people that can kill even the most tough of plants. But I loved that about her! The way she loved them and cared about them and got insulted whenever someone says it's "just a plant". Her relationship with Adam is a rocky one since his father died but throughout the book they become friends again and maybe even more? And it was so nice and sweet and genuine and it made my heart so happy.

Also, the parents in this book. YES. I love awesome parents in YA! This book definitely nailed that part (though I'm still hesitant about Whitney's father). But the moms are all A+. And all the other characters too! Just... GAH. Everything. Everyone. I loved it so much.

You Can Go Your Own Way made me laugh, swoon, tear up and everything in between and I am booting up Eric's other book, Don't Read The Comments as I'm typing this because I'm honestly mad at myself for not reading it sooner now. I highly recommend this wonderful gem of a book and I know it's not releasing for a while but I just couldn't stop myself from talking about it. Because it was just. That. Good.

Read this when you have the chance, seriously.