A review by melodyriggs
Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings by Christine Fonseca


My daughter's teacher recommended this book to us because over the last two or three months she has had moments where she has exploded at school, either with the teacher or with another student.

I was skeptical at first. As an educator myself, I've never been a fan of the "gifted" label. There were some times initially too where the writing style of the book frustrated me (particularly with the author would bring up a new lint and then say it would be discussed later). Also, there were times when i felt the whole book was kind of "dumbed down" (I guess I expected a slightly more elevated writing style considering this is a parenting guide containing research. Maybe I expected something more formal and better organized. But style preference issues aside, the book did offer quite a bit of insight into our daughter's recent behaviors.

Our daughter is in her last year of preschool and will attend kindergarten next year. While no test has formally determined that she is gifted, her preschool teacher said she is bright and understands things differently from and usually at a level above her classmates. This book was great at providing some strategies and tips for helping our daughter deal with her frustrations and cope with her sometimes intense outbursts.

Sme of the book wasn't quite relevant as our daughter doesn't have homework yet, only attends school for 2.5 hours a day, and is just young. However, we'll probably use this book as a reference in the future should we continue to encounter problems. Right now, the biggest tips bringing peace to our household are the coping strategies to teach children and the tip to parents to distance themselves and not get emotionally invested in situations and tantrums with your child.

As an educator with several gifted students in a typical classroom, I found the notes to teachers sections also helpful.

Overall is was a quick and informative read with strategies and ideas that my husband and I could begin implementing immediately and easily. I do wish there would've been more information included about younger children since even the youngest case study example was a few years older than my kid.