A review by mjsam
Chasing Stars by Alex K. Thorne


ARC received via YLVA in exchange for an honest review.

I first read this as a fanfic, and it’s always hard to read a converted fanfic without seeing the characters in their initial incarnations. I did think the new setting and characterisations were interesting, although there were some occasions where they didn’t quite translate to how the story was being told now (their jobs made more sense in the original version, and Gwen’s relationship with Swiftwing wasn’t as organic in this one, I didn’t find it as believable that the superhero would befriend the actress). I also didn’t like Swiftwing as a superhero name, but that’s just me.

The characters themselves are interesting, although given that this was made into a novel, a bit more of Ava’s backstory would have been better and added more to her character. I did like her relationship with Nic, but again thought her family situation on Earth could have been fleshed out more here.

I found the alien monster storyline the weakest part, but it didn’t take up too much time. I like the older/younger trope, and it’s done well here, especially as it’s not hard to believe that Ava’s circumstances would make her more mature than her years. The relationship between them deepens naturally given the circumstances, and Luke was a little cutie.

Overall, this is a nice debut novel, and something out of the ordinary for lesfic. I look forward to more from this author.