A review by foxynz
All Woman and Springtime by Brandon W. Jones


With an exotic looking cover and an endorsement of "One of the most absorbing chilling, beautifully written and important novels I've read in many years", my expectations were high. Set in North Korea, I was anticipating something along the lines of a Korean Bronze Horseman.

Unfortunately, this book was nothing like I imagined, and at only 372 pages, I should have guessed it wouldn't satisfy me. Just because the characters are sold into the sex trade doesn't make it a 5 star to me. It needed more depth and time to fully sympathise with them for the atrocities to have their maximum effect.

There were some good passages, and it's not a bad book. I initially gave it 2 stars, but upgraded to 3 because I think that's what I would have given it if I've read it without all the hype on the cover.