A review by writervid
In Love and Warcraft by Madhuri Shekar



I'm actually so angry about this. Although the dialogue was somewhat decent, and I liked the inherent nerdiness of incorporating World of Warcraft a la She Kills Monsters incorporating Dungeons and Dragons, I was so hurt by this play. At the beginning, it appears that Evie might be an asexual character--she's made uncomfortable by sex, she says she loves people with her heart and nothing else, and she asks the common question of "what's wrong with me?" that so many in the ace community do because of our increasingly sexualized society. It was so horrible to read her get "fixed," and so awful to see even the possibility of asexuality being treated like a problem, and something someone should OVERCOME. It also just wasn't very well-written--there was no gradual arc of trust or anything like that, but rather a switch being flipped. Not to mention other issues like slut-shaming, a potentially trans character being told it's "cosplay," and them saying that their cross-dressing and the main character's feelings towards sex are "issues," which leaves a bad taste in my mouth. While this had a decent enough premise that I was excited for, I can't help but feel hurt and blindsided.