A review by alongreader
Unleashed by Amy McCulloch


The first book in this duo left us on quite a cliff hanger, and I've been eager to get back to it and see how Lacey and her friends can recover. It's tough for a series to wrap up all its threads, even a series that's only a duo, and I was thrilled to find that everything plays out well. Although the story is vaguely open ended, the threads are all tied up nicely and nothing is left unsettled.

I kind of still want a baku, I'll be honest. Even with everything we learn about them here, I still think it would be cool to have one. I don't want to give up my pets, though! It's a conundrum, but hopefully one I won't have to worry about for quite a while.

The world here is really well thought out, with all the little touches that make a world seem real. My favourite is the way that Lacey's mother's baku sometimes gets tangled in her scarf. It's such a tiny thing, but it makes the world feel real and lived-in in a way that some novel aren't.

I really enjoyed this. I wish there was more in the series, but what we have here is enough. I do hope Amy writes more novels eventually, though. A writer this good shouldn't stop.