A review by lilmooniex
99 Red Balloons by Elisabeth Carpenter

Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
Spoiler filled review: 

The book begins with an unnamed girl being lured away by a man with a hat on that said his name is George, claiming to know her mom and that she asked him to take her home. In the next chapter I find out the missing girl's name is Grace and her whole family is frantic realizing she's missing, following Stephanie's perspective. The details are getting a little mixed up as the detectives come over to interview the family in search of what happens to Grace. The family said Grace is old enough to walk home but not old enough to use the family computer. Grace is Emma and Matt's daughter. Emma had only started letting Grace walk home with her friends if she walked in a group with her friends but sometime today they got separated. Stephanie is Grace's aunt. Stephanie and Matt might be into some shady shit since he sent her a text saying," I forgot to delete the emails," after all the detectives and the cops left. The book also follows Maggie who has dealt with the same unimaginable trauma of a disappearance of a person named Zoe. George is demanding that Grace doesn't talk to others, some people are getting suspicious eyeing her with him.

I wasn't a fan of the story telling, honestly.