A review by fiandaca
A Gift of Magic by Lois Duncan


First [adult] read: Dec. 1, 2002. Second [adult] read: Dec. 4, 2016

The downside of these old books from the 70s and 80s is their lack of ethnic diversity and the portrayal of girls and women as limited in their roles and interests. But I also feel that some of those old books, such as this one, contain a lot of wisdom and inspire growth and maturity in young readers that a lot modern books do not.

In this novel, Nancy is having a lot of trouble adjusting to her parents' divorce and a move back to her mother's childhood town. Her twin sister, Kirby, is thriving due to finally having a ballet studio at which to practice her obsession. Her younger brother, Brendon, is also adjusting well and getting into lots of mischief. Even Nancy's mother, Elizabeth, seems to have hit her stride, buying her first car, finding a job, and even making friends with her old high school sweetheart. But Nancy's misses her father, has made an enemy