A review by amberreadsromance28
Tell Me What You Want by Lucia Franco


Lucia Franco always knows how to bring the heat and deliver on a good age gap. I have been waiting for a new Lucia Franco book and was so excited to dive into this one.

Vanessa is a cam girl and beauty influencer. She shows up to her family cabin where she usually films her cam girl stuff, only to discover her brother's best friend is staying there. Reed just got out of prison and is staying there till he can get his life back on track. They have some history together, and Vanessa has always wanted him. Things heat up now that they are staying in the cabin together, and Reed found out that she was a cam girl. He tries to fight it, but he insanely attracted to her and tempted by the amount of money they can make filming scenes together.

This was mostly erotic romance, so this book was 80% sex, but I think the last half got better with more growth in their relationship. This book is a fun, spicy time and a great erotic romance. I think the brother was a little aggressive, considering the reason Reed went to prison. I think it was somewhat understandable, but I could not get on board with his character with the way he talked to Vanessa.

I really enjoyed Reed's character and backstory. He seemed like such a good guy who was dealt a bad hand. Vanessa was kind of hard to relate to, and I didn't really connect to her character, but I think that may just be my preference to the type of heroines I love.

I listened to the audiobook, and I really enjoyed the narrators. Sebastian York and Lidia Dorset did a great job bringing the characters to life, especially since this book had a lot of spicy scenes. They brought the heat!!!

Thank you to Forever and Always PR for providing the ALC in exchange for an honest review.