A review by johanna_b
The Thieves of Ostia by Caroline Lawrence


Flavia Gemina is a detective, when dogs on her street begin to be murdered she sets out with her three new friends, Jonathon, Nubia and Lupus to find the killer!
My thoughts:
For as long as I can remember I have been really fascinated by Ancient Rome. I have read all the other books in this series but realized I had never read the first one! It was really fun to see how the friends came together. One thing that I thought was really cool about this book was how up until the last chapter the book spans over just three days! But there was so much action and adventure packed inside that it felt so much longer! I have read almost all of Caroline Lawrence's books and had the pleasure of seeing her in person as well. If you are looking for a light fun read set in Ancient Rome, read this book, and the twelve that follow.
Rating: I give this book 4.5 stars because it is a really fun book and even though I want to give all the books I read 5 stars this isn't the best book I've ever read.
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Another book similar to this that I really enjoyed but is probably for more of a YA audience was Curses and Smoke by Vicky Alvear Shecter

Thank you Caroline Lawrence and everyone else who made this book possible!!