A review by jenbsbooks
Mordacious by Sarah Lyons Fleming


4.5. I liked this a lot. Zombie apocalypse ... while I wouldn't want to be in one (I mean, no one would) but it is a fascinating topic vicariously.

It started off strong, hooking me right away. The action started quickly. We follow Sylvia and her crew for quite a while ... so it was a bit of an abrupt change when suddenly the storyline switched completely to Eric and Rachel. In many books with two POVs, it will switch chapter to chapter ... here I guess Eric's story doesn't start until later, when the zombies are already out and about. Still, it threw me for a bit. There were several chapters in a row introducing us to Eric, and then the POV started switching between the two central characters ... until the storylines came together (and then the POVs still went from one to the other, but at least the story itself stayed a little more consistent, although they weren't always together).

Not a big look at what caused this Zombie apocalypse, but that is fine ... as those in the midst of it probably have no idea themselves. Can't help but compare it to "The Walking Dead" ... and there were similarities. Likely with any zombie apocalypse tale. It was graphic in parts. It didn't shy away from "child zombies" ... hard for anyone to handle, including our characters of course.

There were a few random things that will stick in my memory ... maybe comic relief at times. Sylvia's rant about cockroaches ... it was so extreme, and totally made me laugh! Loved the "word of the day" game and tie into the title, and the repartee between many of the characters.

I was able to get the Kindle copy as part of Kindle Unlimited. The audio was not included in KU, but was $1.99 ... which I figured was worth it. It was. This audio set up was slightly different than what I've experienced before ... told in two POV, Sylvie and Eric, there was a male and female narrator. When it was the female POV, it was the female narrator ... except for the talking done by any of the men. Then it was the male narrator. Just for the speech. And vice versa. I actually liked this a lot. That's a pet peeve of mine with mixed narration, is having the male voice the female, and the female voice the male ... it throws off the continuity somewhat. Recognized the male narrator from some previous reads (Brilliance trilogy).

Definitely plan to continue on with the series ...